четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

NSW: Oppn plans for new ministry to keep watch slammed by govt

NSW: Oppn plans for new ministry to keep watch slammed by govt

SYDNEY, Feb 18 AAP - NSW opposition plans to create a new ministry to oversee governmentagencies were today slammed by Treasurer Michael Egan as an "absurdly complicated" joke.

The ministry, known as the Regulator-General, would hear complaints against other departmentsallowing the specific minister involved to get on with their real job.

"We shouldn't have a Rail Safety Regulator accountable to the minister for transport.

We shouldn't have a Casino Control Authority accountable to the minister for gaming,"

Opposition Leader John Brogden told a seminar in Sydney.

He said the plan would also end a complex complaints system, giving complainants aone-stop-shop for airing their concerns.

"Currently the complaints system can be complex, as issues straddle two or more portfolios,with each denying responsibility and pointing the finger at each other," Mr Brogden said.

Under the plan, the Privacy Commissioner, Anti-Discrimination Board, Commissioner forChildren and Young People, Office of the Children's Guardian and the Mental Health ReviewTribunal would report to parliament through the Regulator-General.

NSW Ombudsman Bruce Barbour would also gain broader responsibility with all Freedomof Information (FOI) requests to be directed through him.

"We don't believe ministers and ministerial advisers are the best people to determinewhat is in the public interest and what documents should be released to the public," MrBrogden said.

However, NSW Treasurer Michael Egan mocked the proposal saying it would result in oneminister telling another how to do their job.

"Mr Brogden is going to appoint a Regulator-General - whatever that is," Mr Egan saidin a statement.

"Mr Brogden would have to run his cabinet meetings like a scene out of Lord of theFlies - the minister holding the conch would get to speak."

AAP swe/nf/ph/de


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